Monday, November 8, 2010

Mixed Bag

I couldn't not take a photo of this - this incredible dark cloud rolled through Mt Rat and it was such a contrast to the rest of the sky.

On location at Brentwood Cemetery. I actually like this shot, even though the entire flower wasn't captured, nor is it in the middle of the frame. Just something a little bit different.

I love old graves. Iron fences around them like this one, and the gorgeous white headstones with black writing. Call me crazy, but I think they're awesome.

One of the things I love about living where I do is the huge sky. It just goes forever and ever and ever and the sheer vastness is quite hard to capture in a photo I think. But this shot with the fantastic clouds made me feel like the sky was so big it was going to swallow me.

This was a gorgeous sunset - it was as if there were two because there was the actual sunset towards the right, and then this ball of pink sky over to the left. Incredible :)