Saturday, August 14, 2010

What's In A Name?

I love the word Zephyr. Always have. And while I do not consider myself a professional photographer in the slightest (I'd describe myself as very amature), in order to create a blog (I want to share my pictures with everyone, but they're too big to email), I had to come up with a name. So what could be better than one of my favourite words? The word Zephyr comes from the Greek god, Zephyrus. Zephyrus is the god of the west wind, the wind that is gentle and the messenger of spring. Although, according to Wikipedia, Zephyrus also married his sister Iris (the goddess of the rainbow), and had children with his other two sisters, Chloris and Podarge. Ok, so not the best role model, but still has a cool name.

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