Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Past & The Present

This afternoon, my cousin Shane took me for a drive to show me where our Pop had grown up. I didn't know about his childhood and had no idea he grew up around here - I assumed he grew up in the Riverland. Apparently not. There's not much left of the old house and shed, but upon scuffling through the weeds and old roofing sheets from the shed, I found this old gem.

Our next stop was at the old Bublacowie School (I think its Bublacowie? WIll check and edit if needed). Apparently it was where Pop went to school and I think nearly every person on the peninsula has carved their name or initials into the wall, so we were keen to see if we could find Pop's.

After that spot, we went back to Shaneo's where I got to take some happy snaps of his gorgeous girls.

Little Chloe

Hayley was very impressed with my pop up flash! :)

Proof that bean bags rock for all ages.

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