Monday, October 11, 2010

The Glorious Bottom End

Possibly one of the most photographed things in Innes National Park is Ethel's Beach. There's not much left of the old girl these days, but the boiler from The Ferret is still pretty cool looking if you ask me.

I snuck James into a few photos when he wasn't looking. We were the only people that had visited Ethel that day, which proved to be quite nice because ours were the only footprints in the sand. Pity Mother Nature didn't put on a show with a bit more sunshine that cloud, but beggars can't be choosers :)

One of the perks to being married to a former Parks employee is the secrets - this is a natural spring that few people know about. I'm pretty sure more kangaroos than people know about this as obviously its a great water source for them. In fact we counted about 6 grazing quite close to this.

Browns Beach is stunning. As you can see, we had a bit of rain to deal with, but it was still a gorgeous day to appreciate some natural beauty.

1 comment:

  1. Holy moly! Wow i really love these Sarah they are great. I love the one of James it is great ;)
